Sinking in Struggles

    Sinking in Struggles

    Titanic is a symbol of classism that existed during that era. Titanic is both an historical tragedy and epic romance and it serves a important reflection of classism. Classism is a social issue that continues to resonate in the world and with teenagers like me who grapple with the pressures of fitting in. As a teenager finding the complex meaning of social hierarchies. The film portrayed  the  division between the privileged upper class and the struggling lower class passengers. In this essay, I will show  how the movie correlates with classism and its relevance to my own experiences with classism.

    In my own experience of life, I've witnessed classism in various forms. Whether it's the unfairness in educational opportunities, income inequality, and access to healthcare. I have seen how individuals from less privileged backgrounds often face barriers that hinder their progress, limiting their access to resources and opportunities. These experiences have made me acutely aware of the importance of addressing classism and striving for a more equitable society. Growing up, I witnessed classism's insidious effects firsthand. My family, while not struggling financially, belonged to a lower socioeconomic class than many of my peers. This difference in economic standing often meant that I felt the weight of social inequality. I experienced discrimination ust like the third-class passengers on the Titanic due to my background. I encountered obstacles that deeply affects me due to my social and economic background.

    The Titanic movie shows the powerful examples of classism. Titanic shows the  issues of social division and its impact on individuals. As a teenagers who experienced classism, I find relevance in the film's portrayal of class-based pressures and the desire for genuine connection. The Titanic's tragic fate reminds me of the importance of valuing people for who they are. It shows me courage to strive for equality and empathy.  The movie encourages me to challenge the inequalities and strive for a world where every individual is treated with dignity, regardless of their social or economic background. I've also understood that true relationships are built on shared experiences and genuine connections.

This is the personal essay of Vance Xyrus Angelo P. Salva. He is a Grade 12 - HUMSS student at Saint Augustine School - Tanza.


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