

    What is gender and what is gender inequality? A gender identifies who you are in a society. It gives you roles and responsiblities on how you should act, interact and express yourself to others. In today's generation, there are more than two genders that people use to identify themselves. On the other hand, gender inequality is when other genders are treated unequally. It is the discrimination and biased treatments of others to a specific gender. Some other causes of gender inequality is the lack of knowledge to other people about their rights and disrespectfulness of others to different genders in the society. 

    Based on my experience that is also shown in the movie Titanic, women are lower and weak than men. Girls were taught on how to act like a lady at a very young age. As for me, my lola always corrects me on everything that I do, that I should be ladylike and not act like a boy. Even in the slightest things like sitting straight and only playing with girls. Also as I grew, she would always tells me to know everything about household chores because as soon as I get married I will be the one to manage the house and do everything while my future husband would do the work. Adding that she tells me to marry a rich man to provide for me in the future. There is nothing wrong in teaching me everything to do in the house but the wrong mindset about it. You should learn to be independent and not learn just because of a man. Despite my lola building that mindset to my younger self, I developed my own that I would act and dream the way how I want my life to be. I want to be independent and spoil myself and family as soon as I finish studying. I will make my own path that does not need  men for me have a luxurious life because I can provide for myself. It's fine to give advice and teach me for guidance because it will benefit and help me in the future. Parents and other relatives should know that as children we should be free on expressing things that we want, it can help us enjoy our childhood and also boost ourselves that we have support around us. 

    We should all know that women are capable than what others think. We can act and think like a men. We are strong in spirit and independent, knows what to do in every situation that may come. People nowadays should realize that females are not just for taking care of babies, doing chores and being asked things to do. Women can do anything, they can provide what the family needs, act the way how they want and live their life to the fullest. We should all learn how to respect and treat others right despite our differences in classes, genders or roles in the society. People should be more equal and empowering with one another to provide a more peaceful and balanced community.

This is the personal essay of Angel A. Mamaril. She is a Grade 12 - HUMSS student at Saint Augustine School - Tanza.


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