The Truth Behind Authority

 The Truth Behind Authority

    Along with the many experiences I've had in my life, there are things that we can never really forget especially when they leave us a mark on our memory. This narrative is focused on the remarkable experience that I had that made me realize something in the world that we are living in today. 

    When I was in Grade 5, I fought with my annoying classmate who always bullied me. During that moment, he thought that I couldn't stand up against him, and that's why he provoked me more. My temper exploded, and I'd had enough of what he was doing to me, and then I punched him in the face where our fight started. When the teacher came, no one of my classmates spoke about who started the fight. Me and the guy I fought was just crying and was not able to explain the situation well. Since the guy I fought is the son of a teacher in our school our teacher immediately allied to that bully and scolded me that I shouldn't fight my classmate. I couldn't do anything at that time. Even if I explained my side, my teacher wouldn't believe me because I could see that she was already biased in the situation. The situation that I've experienced can be compared to the social issue present in the movie "Titanic" where those people who are rich and have authorities bully the weak and poor people aboard the ship. But Jack is a clever guy, that's why he can slip away on those rich people who want to pursue Rose. In my situation, it is just a simple fight, but my experience of being unheard because of having no connection nor authority against the bully who is the son of a teacher and a well-known student in our class. It's very hard to deal with that situation without having to be mad or cry because of the feeling of getting accused and oppressed. I am not clever just like Jack, that's why I couldn't handle the situation well. 

    In conclusion, this personal essay is intended to emphasize my experience that overlaps a bigger issue depicted in the movie "Titanic". My experience of facing a biased situation because of unfair privilege and Jack's experience of having to deal with rich-to-poor discrimination can be proof that these social issues are present in our lives, and that they happen to all of us in our society, especially these days.

This is the personal essay of Nimrod Jhansen A. Gonzaga. He is a 12 - HUMSS student at Saint Augustine School - Tanza.


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